第400章 妈妈在发光
“according to observations from usm, eso and telberg observatory, c/2036 is approaching perihelion and its brightness also rising rapidly so this week will be the best time to observe this et
therefore, i won’t give you any required readings, put off tomorrow’s lecture to next week and also will put off the deadline for your assignment to 30 may, 23:59 i hope you can spend the whole week soaking up the wonder which taken nearly 2500 years to encounter
we have lots of time for reading and lectures, but if we missed the c/2036 this time, we can’t meet it anymore none of us still alive after 2476 years”
温颂又笑着说道:“i know you’re all very excited my kids but keep in mind, for those who’ll observe in the field, make sure to keep yourself stay warm and safe it’s just 1:00 pm and very early so if any guys wanna go to telberg observatory, you can also go skiing no charge for tickets as usual”
台下的学生们更加兴奋开心,立刻就有人对她说:“thank you professor, we love you!”
温颂也十分开心的笑了,点点头说:“i also love you”
她把电脑装进包里走下讲台,走到了教室的最后面,轻轻敲了敲桌子,“wake up, class is over”
温颂有些无语,自言自语般说了一句,“ist meine klasse so langweilig das beste wiegenlied”
坐在astrid身边的是温颂的研究助理ilona,astrid身上还盖着她的外套,她笑着对温颂说:“nein, professor, wir alle halten ihre vorlesung fur die interessanteste aber ehrlich gesagt, ist sie zu kompliziert und abstrakt fur ein 6-jhriges kind”
ilona立刻上前询问温颂是否需要帮助,温颂谢过了她的好意,压低了声音说:“no thanks, she’ll wake up soon”
果不其然,温颂刚抱着astrid离开教室,她就醒了过来,揉了揉眼睛问道:“mama, ist der unterricht vorbei ich hatte einen langen, langen, langen traum und sah ein groes schwarzes loch…”
温颂也笑了,把她放了下来,蹲下身用湿巾擦了擦她有些发懵的小脸,故作难过的说:“astrid, i’m so sad, you definitely didn’t listen to me cause i said in the lecture, the gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that it swallows everything around it, and light has no way to escape
unless we use an array of radio telescopes to bine a telescope with an aperture the size of the earth, we can capture a picture of black hole, but that&39;s not the real image of black hole either so, honey, tell mama, did you really listen my lecture carefully&34;
astrid有些不好意思的笑了,对温颂说:“sorry mama, i was sleeping physics is sooo hard, i can’t understand”
温颂笑着摸了摸她的小脑袋说:“it’s okay, you’ll understand when you grow up now let’s back to my office to put my things, and then we&39;ll go to fussen to wait for the et with dad, cece and addie”
“ok mama! ”astrid牵起了她的手说,“but mama, i love it when you’re giving lecture! soooo pretty!! mama is shining!”
她蹲下身在astrid小脸上亲了一下,握住了她的手说:“danke mein schatz, du bist heute auch so hubsch ich mag deinen mantel, rock und deinen hut”
温颂又亲了亲astrid白皙稚嫩的小脸,看着她和自己与程澈都有些相似的容貌说:“astrid~~ meine astrid ist definitiv die schnste prinzessin der welt mama liebt dich so sehr”
astrid也非常开心地亲了亲温颂,对她说:“ich liebe dich auch so sehr, mama”