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第5章 大结局5

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    it wouldn&39;t be the year-long trip that brought him to the nightmare of the frieza force, or the trips to various purges 这次旅程不同于让他陷入弗利萨军团的噩梦或者其他几次的出行。

    this was possibly his only chance to live the life he wanted without remorse 这可能是他唯一的机会,可以毫无后悔地过上他想要的生活。

    peace was only six days away 和平只有六天的路程。

    gohan and goku stood in the center of the gravity room, heaving desperately for air gohan和goku站在重力房间的中央,拼命地喘着气。

    while gohan&39;s battle suit was in good condition save for a few scrapes, goku&39;s had been reduced to a series of rags hanging from his bruised skin 虽然gohan的战斗服除了几处刮痕外状况良好,但goku的战斗服则成了一堆挂在他瘀伤的皮肤上的破布。

    the monitor just a few inches above goku&39;s head read 180 g&39;s, producing a pressure that taxed even the bones of two battle-efficient saiyans 就在goku头顶几英寸的地方,显示器上显示着180个g,产生的压力甚至对两个战斗高效的赛亚人的骨头也是一种负担。

    getting goku to super saiyan level before their excursion to severing the two heads of the cold force had been the main priority of their trip - now on day four – but it didn&39;t seem to matter how much punishment goku took within, and often against the reinforced steel walls of the ship 在去切除冷军团两个头目之前,让goku达到超级赛亚人的级别一直是他们这次旅程的主要目标,现在是第四天,但似乎无论goku在船上受到多少惩罚,甚至是与钢筋加固的船壁对抗,都没有用。

    the full-blooded saiyan fell onto his backside and caught his breath, exhausted from yet another beam struggle of which he had gotten the losing end 这位纯正的赛亚人摔倒在地,喘着气,精疲力竭,又一次在束缚战斗中落败。

    &34;man…i just can&39;t hack it!&34; “天啊我简直受不了!”

    gohan followed goku&39;s lead and sat as well gohan紧随goku的脚步也坐下来。

    &34;you&39;re not alone – if i still can&39;t even figure out how to bring that power back out on my own, how am i supposed to help you reach it&34; “你并不孤单——如果我自己还无法找到如何重新发挥那种力量的方法,我怎么能帮助你达到它呢?”

    &34;good point,&34; goku chuckled “说得对,”goku笑着说道。

    gohan closed his eyes, doing as he had been throughout their journey and trying to both focus on his ki and reimagine the feeling of that transformation gohan闭上眼睛,按照他一路以来的做法,努力专注于他的气,并重新想象那种转变的感觉。

    in that stressful, inefficient form he thought had been super saiyan, the power source had been obvious – his tail 在他认为是超级赛亚人的那种充满压力、低效的形态中,能量的来源是显而易见的——他的尾巴。

    but in the case of the super saiyan, he couldn&39;t pin it down 然而,在超级赛亚人的情况下,他无法确定。

    &34;i guess it&39;s rage,&34; goku mused &34;goku若有所思地说道:“我想这是愤怒。看到vegeta和那个女孩那样死去,显然激发了你的愤怒。”

    gohan&39;s eye twitched involuntarily gohan的眼睛不由自主地抽动了一下。

    &34;i know 我知道。” gohan睁开眼睛,伸展双手,观察着颤抖的手指。“我甚至试过让自己重新进入那种心态,但是…” 当我现在想到他们的死亡时,我不再生气。我已经把所有的愤怒都发泄在frieza身上;我剩下的只是他们曾经在的空虚。”

    &34;sounded like me for a long time,&34; goku replied with a mirthless chuckle goku带着一声没有欢笑的笑声回答:“听起来像我很长一段时间。”

    gohan darted his eyes over at his father and studied his weary smile gohan瞥了一眼他父亲,研究着他疲惫的微笑。

    &34;after you got taken away, i was just really mad for a long time “在你被带走之后,我很长一段时间都很生气。” prolly wasn&39;t the easiest guy to be around 可能不是最容易相处的人。

    i only ever felt real hate once before then, towards big daddy piccolo and his goons 以前,我只有一次真正地感受到仇恨,那是对piccolo爸爸和他的手下们的仇恨。

    but i took care of that 但我解决了这个问题。 but raditz&34; 但是raditz呢?”

    with a shake of the head, goku whistled goku摇了摇头,发出了一声口哨。

    i was fired up, and ready to go nuclear to get you back &34;我充满激情,准备付出一切去找回你。”

    when goku rested his elbows on his knees and sighed, gohan hung his head 当goku将手肘靠在膝盖上叹了口气时,gohan低下了头。 he had never seen his father speak at length about how he dealt with the incident 他从未见过父亲详细讲述他如何处理这件事。 he knew goku to be a guy who always stayed on the positive side, even to nonsensical degrees 他知道goku总是保持积极的态度,即使到了荒谬的程度。 just the thought of him fractured left a knot in gohan&39;s stomach 仅仅想到他心碎的样子就让gohan的胃里打了个结。

    &34;and as bad as it was for me, it was that much worse for your mother “尽管对我来说很糟糕,但对你妈妈来说更糟糕。 gohan&39;s palms clenched into fists gohan的手掌紧握成拳头。

    &34;for the first year, she basically never got out of bed,&34; goku said, a bead of sweat trickling down his head “在第一年里,她基本上从床上没有下来。” goku说着,额头上滴下一颗汗珠。 &34;and when i came back empty, and when the dragon balls…&34; goku looked back up with a cringe, making gohan flinch at the reminder “而当我空手而归,当那些龙珠……” goku痛苦地抬起头,让gohan不由自主地退缩,想起了那件事。 &34;didn&39;t work-&34; “没有效果-”

    &34;i&39;m-&34; “我……”

    goku waved him off with his usual benevolence goku用他一贯的善良态度挥了挥手。 &34;don&39;t worry &39;bout it “不用担心。 i get it 我明白。”

    gohan sighed, skeptical of goku&39;s answer gohan叹了口气,对goku的回答表示怀疑。 of all the vitriol he had spewed that first day back on earth, that seemed to break his heart the worst 在他回到地球的第一天发出的所有愤怒言辞中,这似乎是最伤他心的。

    &34;but man, once it got clear that i might never see you again, it all fell apart “但是,一旦我清楚地意识到可能再也见不到你了,一切都崩溃了。 chi-chi was basically a zombie for a few years, just kinda goin&39; on autopilot chi-chi基本上在几年间都像个僵尸一样,只是在自动驾驶下度日。 i even stopped trainin&39; for a while 我甚至一度停止了训练。”

    despite the negative subject, goku actually started laughing; gohan hummed with bewilderment 尽管主题消极,goku实际上开始笑了起来;gohan感到困惑。

    &34;ah man, you shoulda seen me about seven years ago or so “啊,伙计,你应该在大约七年前见到我。 i got all flabby &39;n gross! it wasn&39;t &39;til piccolo started stirrin&39; up trouble again that i finally got back in the swing of things and honestly it helped 我变得胖嘟嘟的!直到皮克洛再次引起麻烦,我才重新回到状态中来,老实说,这帮了我忙。 the thrill of the fight and gettin&39; back in my routine took my mind off you a little bit 战斗的刺激和回到例行公事让我有点忘记了你。

    &34;it was the same with me,&34; gohan replied “我也是一样,”gohan回答道。 &34;i rejected that wish because i thought it was keeping you guys safe, but deep down…i think i was just avoiding you guys “我拒绝了那个愿望,因为我以为那会保护你们安全,但内心深处……我觉得我只是在逃避你们。 i thought if i just dedicated myself to the goal and fought, i could just bury all the bad feelings 我以为只要专注于目标和战斗,就能掩埋所有的坏感觉。 the way you reacted when you first saw me 你第一次见到我的反应…… 那一直是我害怕的。”

    goku&39;s smile took a glum reversal goku的笑容变得沮丧起来。 &34;i&39;m really sorry about that, gohan “对此我真的很抱歉,gohan。

    i always knew somethin&39; was fishy about what shenron said, especially after i learned about frieza 我一直对神龙说的话感到可疑,尤其是在了解到弗里扎之后。 but i could never let go of the little boy raditz swept away, and that&39;s what i thought i&39;d be getting&39; if you ever returned 但我始终无法忘记被拉迪茨夺走的那个小男孩,我认为如果你回来了,我就会得到他。 it was stupid 这太愚蠢了。

    &34;if i had any respect for myself, i wouldn&39;t have lasted long,&34; gohan bitterly replied “如果我对自己有丝毫的尊重,我就不会撑那么久,”gohan痛苦地回答道。 &34;but after everyone kept pushing me around, i wanted to feel strong 但是在每个人都欺负我的时候,我想要变得强大。 all those scared faces on the plas we hit…they made me sick 那些被我们袭击的星球上那些害怕的脸……让我恶心。 it was like i was seeing that kid all over again 我好像又看到了那个孩子。

    gohan didn&39;t realize how much had been scraping his teeth against each other gohan没有意识到自己的牙齿互相摩擦了多久。 after all those years, a piece of him that resented that crybaby still existed 经过那么多年,他内心对那个哭哭啼啼的孩子仍然存在着怨恨。

    &34;but look at you now,&34; goku marveled “但现在看看你,”goku惊叹道。 &34;nobody can touch you, and you got rid of the evil boss 没人能碰得了你,而且你摆脱了那个邪恶的老板。

    gohan aimed a glare at goku&39;s face that he hadn&39;t given him in a year gohan瞪着goku的脸,一年来他没有对他这样过。 &34;so what that hasn&39;t been important to me for a long time, if you haven&39;t noticed 那又怎样?你如果没有注意到的话,这对我来说很久以前就不重要了。”

    &34;my bad,&34; goku replied, awkwardly scratching the back of his head in the face of gohan&39;s resentment “是我不好,”goku回答道,面对gohan的怨恨,尴尬地抓着后脑勺。 &34;that&39;s the saiyan talkin&39;, i guess 我想那是赛亚人的说法。

    opting to retreat into his shell, gohan folded his arms and shut his eyes 选择退缩进自己的壳中,gohan交叉双臂,闭上了眼睛。 the devastation of frieza&39;s fight had restored his bad old habit, routing him on a detour from his real feelings 弗里扎的战斗的破坏使他恢复了他糟糕的旧习惯,使他远离了真实的感受。 he did enjoy having power over frieza; he made sure to rub the salt in his wound 他喜欢掌控着弗里扎;他确保加深他的伤口。 he didn&39;t just want the super saiyan power back for utility&39;s sake – he craved that invigorating rush more than the most potent nicotine 他不仅仅是想要超级赛亚人的力量是为了实用的目的——他渴望那种令人兴奋的冲动,比最强效的尼古丁还要强烈。

    &34;i&39;ve felt that way a lot,&34; goku muttered, snapping gohan out of his spell “我经常有这种感觉,”goku嘟囔着,打破了gohan的沉默。 &34;i wasn&39;t just angry at raditz back then, either 我当时不仅仅是对拉迪茨感到愤怒。 he beat me in one kick 他用一脚就击败了我。 i work so hard to be as strong as i can and couldn&39;t even protect my own son 我努力提升实力,尽力保护自己的儿子,但却无能为力。 if i&39;da been strong enough-&34; 如果我足够强大——”

    &34;i wouldn&39;t have even been there,&34; gohan pleted with a smirk “我根本就不会在那里,”gohan满意地补充道。 &34;yeah, they said that plenty 是的,他们说了很多次。 eventually, i believed it 最终,我相信了。 that&39;s the biggest reason i was so nasty to you when i first got here 这就是我刚到这里对你那么恶劣的主要原因。 &34; &34;yeah, i&39;d bet 是的,我敢打赌。 i hate to admit it, but i&39;m not even sure i was so down just because you were gone 我不愿承认,但我甚至不确定我之所以如此沮丧,仅仅是因为你不在了。 after i beat piccolo and finally got over the martial arts tournament hump, i thought i was the baddest dude around; now it turns out i had a brother in space who could just kick my ass like that to the point where i couldn&39;t even save my own son&34; goku swung his fist 在我打败比克罗之后,终于克服了武道大会的困境,我以为我是最牛的家伙;现在结果却是,我在太空中有一个可以轻易揍我屁股的兄弟?以至于我甚至救不了我自己的儿子?”goku挥了挥拳头。 &34;man 天哪。 i was so disgusted 我真是恶心透了。 &34;

    gohan snickered &34;then i don&39;t know if you would&39;ve gotten a kick out of it or just been even madder if you saw where raditz really stood in the grand scheme of things have you ever wondered why he took me away&34; gohan笑了起来。“那么,我不知道你是会觉得好笑,还是会更生气,如果你知道拉迪茨在整个计划中的真实地位。你曾经想过他为什么把我带走吗?”

    goku&39;s brows lined together in thought &34;i always figured it was either a trap, or worse i never wanted to think too hard about it, to be honest&34; goku皱起眉头思考着。“我一直以为那要么是一个陷阱,要么更糟。说实话,我从来都不愿意想太多。”

    &34;i&39;m sure you&39;ve already figured out how those scouters we wear measure people&39;s ki well, the reading he got from me was twice as strong as yours&34; “我敢肯定你已经想到了我们佩戴的探测器是如何测量人们的气的。嗯,他从我的探测器读到的数值是你的两倍强。”

    goku nearly fell over &34;what! seriously! i mean, you being stronger when you came back made sense, but even as just a little ol&39; baby! it took a lifetime of trainin&39; just to get the little bit of power i had back then; chi-chi didn&39;t even let you train and you were that good! unbe-frickin&39;-lievable!&34; goku几乎摔倒。“什么?!真的吗?!我的意思是,你回来时更强有道理,但你只是一个小小的婴儿?!我花了一辈子的时间才恢复到那时的一点点实力;而且琪琪甚至不让你练功,你就有那么厉害!真是难以置信!”

    &34;yeah believe it or not, raditz was actually a wimp i was stronger than him right off the bat he was basically the punching bag, and pretty lazy at that,&34; gohan said with a chuckle towards goku&39;s visible frustration “是的。信不信由你,拉迪茨其实是个懦夫。我一开始就比他强大。他基本上就是一个沙袋,而且相当懒惰。” gohan笑着对着表现出明显沮丧的goku说道。

    &34;the guy that beat me in one kick was a wimp, and my four-year-old toddler of a son was a more worthy ally than i was,&34; goku looked up with an irritable, hysterical smirk “那个用一脚打败我的家伙是个懦夫,而我的四岁小孩子却比我更值得信任,” goku怒气冲冲地仰起头,带着一丝病态的笑容。

    &34;if raditz had stuck around you might&39;ve won the whole fight for us by accident now i&39;m wonderin&39; if goten could&39;ve taken frieza out in one hit!&34; “如果拉迪茨一直在你身边,你可能会无意间赢得整场战斗。现在我在想,孙悟天是否可以一击将弗利萨打倒!”

    at the mention of goten, gohan looked down and idly tapped his fingers against the tiles an unfortable grunt gave away his disposition to his father 一提到孙悟天,悟饭低头,漫不经心地敲击着瓷砖。他不舒服地咕哝了一声,向父亲透露了他的心情。

    &34;sorry-&34; “对不起——”

    &34;no,&34; gohan interrupted &34;it&39;s fine&34; “不,”悟饭打断了他。“没关系。”

    &34;well, i meant, sorry i kinda kept it a secret from you at first,&34; goku replied &34;i mean, not that i had a chance to ever say anything about it with all the fightin&39;, but it shouldn&39;t have had to e out by accident guess i knew you&39;d feel a way about it&34; “嗯,我的意思是,对不起,我一开始有点瞒着你。”悟空回答道。“我的意思不是我有机会说什么,毕竟我们一直在战斗,但这不应该是偶然才被揭示出来的。我猜我知道你会对此有所感触。”

    &34;i was being a brat i expected you and mom to be as lonely and miserable as i was&34; “我当时真是个小坏蛋。我以为你和妈妈会和我一样孤单和痛苦。”

    &34;we definitely were before him every time your mom would pass by your room, she&39;d start cryin&39; we knew we could never replace you, but we just wanted to make things a little brighter it was actually bulma&39;s suggestion&34; “在他出生之前,我们确实是这样。每次你妈妈经过你的房间,她都会开始哭泣。我们知道我们永远无法取代你,但我们只是想让事情变得更加明亮一些。其实这是布尔玛的建议。”

    goku gazed into the black abyss of space through the window with razor-sharp eyes &34;goku用锐利的眼神凝视着透过窗户的黑暗深渊。 &34;it made me train even harder &34;这让我更加努力地训练。 i wasn&39;t going to let anything happen to him 我不会让任何事情发生在他身上。 i needed to prove i could protect my own son 我需要证明我能保护自己的儿子。&34;

    just seeing him sitting cross-legged, gohan could see that fiery saiyan spirit swimming in his father&39;s eyes, only he had a greater purpose than just being stronger 只是看到他盘腿坐着,悟饭就能看到他父亲眼中那股炽热的赛亚人精神,只是他的目标不仅仅是变得更强。 a few moments later, his expression lightened back up to a laugh 几秒钟后,他的表情又变得轻松愉快,笑了起来。 &34;&39;course, look how that turned out 当然,看看最后的结果。 i did all this work to protect my new son, and now it turns out my first son&39;s the one that&39;s gotta protect me! i&39;m slackin&39; 我付出了这么多努力来保护我的新儿子,现在结果是我的大儿子要来保护我!我真是懒散啊。&34;

    gohan shook his head 悟饭摇了摇头。 that couldn&39;t have been further from the truth; if goku hadn&39;t have nearly destroyed himself to defeat avocado, they wouldn&39;t have even gotten far enough to beat frieza; if goku hadn&39;t protected gohan from himself, he would have wiped out all of earth 这与事实完全不符;如果不是goku几乎为了击败avocado而牺牲自己,他们甚至都没有足够的力量来打败frieza;如果goku没有保护悟饭免受自己的伤害,他可能会摧毁整个地球。

    &34;i&39;m startin&39; to understand this whole saiyan thing 我开始理解这整个赛亚人的事情了。 i guess i always had it in me even when i didn&39;t know it,&34; goku said 我猜我一直都有这种能力,即使在我不知道的时候。”goku说道。 &34;here we are, talkin&39; about all the crap they put us through and we&39;re still tryin&39; to bring one of &39;em back &34;我们现在谈论的是他们给我们带来的所有麻烦,而我们仍然在试图把其中一个人带回来。

    &34;i should hate those guys,&34; gohan said, referring to vegeta along with nappa and raditz &34;我应该恨那些家伙们,&34; 悟饭说道,指的是vegeta以及nappa和raditz。 &34;i&39;m pretty sure they wanted me to, even but i can&39;t &34;我很确定他们甚至希望我这样,但是我不能。

    &34;yeah i think i realized that in the time chamber with vegeta,&34; goku mused, looking up at the ceiling with an admiring smile &34;是的。 我想我在和vegeta在时光之间的修行中意识到了这一点,&34; goku沉思着,仰望着天花板,面带赞叹的微笑。 &34;that guy, man i thought i was nuts, but he&39;s a friggin&39; maniac he barely even cares about his own wellbeing, let alone anybody else&39;s i guess when your life&39;s one big battle royale, it don&39;t matter if it&39;s a grown man or a little kid if you can walk, you can fight &34;那家伙,伙计。 我以为我疯了,但他简直就是个疯子。 他几乎不关心自己的安危,更别说其他人了。 我想当你的生活就是一个巨大的混战时,无论是成年人还是小孩都无所谓。 只要你能行走,就能战斗。

    &34;that&39;s how it was we lived in our safe little bubble on earth,&34; gohan began, looking into the vacuum he had traveled on countless occasions &34;就是这样。 我们在地球上生活在我们安全的小世界里,&34;悟饭开始说道,眺望着他曾多次穿梭的真空中。 &34;but out there, you&39;re either strong, or you aren&39;t raditz had been fighting life or death battles since he was the same age i was when he showed up we were the crazy ones in their eyes &34;但在那里,要么你很强大,要么你不行。 raditz从他出现时起就一直在进行生死战斗。 在他们看来,我们是疯子。

    &34;it&39;s weird, ain&39;t it&34; &34;这很奇怪,不是吗?&34;

    &34;at least those guys just wanted me to be strong they weren&39;t trying to torture me or humiliate me like frieza &34;至少那些家伙只是希望我变强。 他们并不像frieza那样试图折磨我或羞辱我。

    once i proved myself, they accepted me &34;在我证明了自己之后,他们接受了我,&34;悟饭回忆起他们一起战斗的时候,自豪感涌上了他的胸膛。 &34;i&39;ve saved their lives, and they&39;ve saved mine &34;我救过他们的命,他们也救过我的命。

    &34;vegeta&39;s got nothin&39; to prove to me,&34; goku replied &34;i mean, he&39;s still a pretty nasty guy, but if he would take a beam for you like that, he&39;s okay with me &34;“对于我来说,vegeta不需要证明什么,&34; goku回答道。 &34;我的意思是,他仍然是一个相当恶劣的家伙,但如果他愿意为你挡下那样的攻击,他对我来说没问题。

    gohan looked up at the spaceship&39;s control panel – he and vegeta had waged many fights within the walls of the spaceship to prepare for frieza, pushing themselves to their limits and beyond gohan抬头看着飞船的控制面板——他和vegeta曾经在飞船的墙壁内进行过许多战斗,为了准备对抗frieza,他们将自己推向极限以上。 they&39;d taken out many of their frustrations with each other knowing if they couldn&39;t survive, they wouldn&39;t have been worth much 他们互相宣泄了许多的不满情绪,因为他们知道如果他们不能活下来,他们的价值将不大。 but in the end, vegeta had proven he was worth plenty 但最终,vegeta证明了他的价值是很大的。 he was worth going above and beyond to revive 他值得我们不惜一切代价来复活他。

    &34;i&39;m still confused about one thing, though,&34; goku cut in &34;i mean, she seemed like a pletely different person from the one who helped us get on the nimbus &39;cause some things weren&39;t addin&39; up &34;“但是有一件事我仍然感到困惑,&34; goku插话道。 &34;我的意思是,她似乎和那个帮助我们登上筋斗云的人完全不一样。 因为有些事情似乎不太对劲。

    gohan laughed &34;it&39;s a long story &34;悟饭笑了起来。 &34;这是一个漫长的故事

    day six had arrived 第六天已经到来。

    the efforts to make goku a super saiyan still hadn&39;t yielded any luck, but gohan figured they had plenty of time between namek and wherever they&39;d find cooler 试图让悟空成为超级赛亚人的努力仍然没有带来任何好运,但是悟饭觉得他们在纳美克星和找到库拉的地方之间有足够的时间。

    if it happened, it would happen, and at worst, gohan could take care of them himself, anyway 如果发生了,就发生了,最坏的情况下,悟饭可以自己照顾他们。

    through the window a few feet across, gohan could see a green sphere expanding in size with every passing second 透过几英尺远的窗户,悟饭可以看到一个绿色的球体正在不断扩大。

    &34;heh, figures the pla would be green,&34; goku said, ing up from the second floor in a fresh uniform &34;呵呵,想得到星球会是绿色的,&34;悟空说着,穿着一身新制服从二楼走了出来。

    gohan rolled his eyes and studied its appearance 悟饭翻了翻白眼,仔细观察着它的外观。

    &34;mencing the landing on pla namek,&34; said the automated voice from the control panel&39;s speakers &34;开始着陆纳美克星,&34;控制面板的扬声器里传来自动化的声音。

    the space capsule accelerated and made its plunge down into the green sphere&39;s atmosphere 太空舱加速并冲入绿色球体的大气层。

    as it drew in closer, gohan narrowed his eyes in focus; it wasn&39;t the mission that brought him urgency, but a presence that grew stronger in his mind the closer they fell 当它越来越接近时,悟饭眯起眼睛集中注意力;让他紧张的不是任务,而是在他们跌落的过程中越来越强烈的存在感。

    &34;do you feel that, father&34; &34;你感觉到了吗,父亲?&34;

    goku raised a confused eyebrow until the signal hit him like lightning 悟空挑起困惑的眉毛,直到信号像闪电一样打到他身上。

    &34;whoa i&39;m pickin&39; up some pretty big ki &34;哇。我感受到了一些相当强大的气。

    &34;two of them&34;


    and that wasn&39;t the most disconcerting part – these powers felt familiar they weren&39;t an exact match to the man that was on his mind, but they certainly felt rotten enough


    &34;they both feel like frieza&39;s…&34;


    &34;you&39;re right,&34; goku replied, his breath running thin &34;could it be his father and brother!&34;


    &34;has to be&34;


    gohan blocked everything out, ignoring goku&39;s questions and the automated voice&39;s informing of their landfall to devise a plan both of their ki&39;s felt in the same caliber of power as frieza&39;s - not his 100 power, but close enough gohan suspected cooler may have always been in the state frieza had been on earth, but his father may have been a different story that being said, goku would still be a valuable asset against them, super saiyan or not


    the sound of the ship&39;s door opening and the ramp sliding down snapped gohan out of his trance alongside his father, he floated out of the ship and into the environment of pla namek they had landed on a plateau shrouded in the same type of blue grass that kiyomi smoked, while the sky possessed a rich shade of green lined by yellow




    ahead of them were a series of islands big and small, all identical to each other – beautiful grass and a few trees, frogs hopping about


    despite the two odious ki signatures, the atmosphere instilled gohan with a sense of calm


    it was exactly as king kai had implied


    gohan wondered what piccolo would have thought of the pla


    &34;huh, this is pretty much earth in reverse,&34; goku remarked, observing the landscape with the dragon radar in hand


    &34;awesome, this place really does have dragon balls! but it looks like a few of the balls are already gathered together,&34; goku said after checking the radar &34;and it&39;s the same spot where i sense those two power levels&34;


    with a snarl, gohan kicked the grass &34;they&39;re after the dragon balls and beat us here but how! how could they know about them&34;


    &34;well, lapis said ginyu was the one who mentioned the possibility of dragon balls on namek, right&34;


    &34;the scouter,&34; gohan grumbled &34;the damn scouter one of them must&39;ve been monitoring the situation on earth and overheard it&34;


    &34;so, they probably know frieza was defeated and now they&39;re trying to make a wish so they can get a leg up before they fight us


    &34;then it&39;s a good thing we got here when we did&34;


    goku nodded &34;yeah we can&39;t afford to waste any time, so let&39;s go after them&34;


    &34;hold on,&34; gohan said, motioning his arm towards his father &34;we can&39;t afford to put the pla in jeopardy before we have all the dragon balls let&39;s gather up the remaining balls under their noses these guys rely entirely on their scouters, so we can sneak around without using our ki&34;


    &34;good plan hell, maybe we can even try catching them off-guard,&34; goku mused &34;you think you can tap into super saiyan yet&34;


    &34;maybe,&34; gohan replied with a cautious breath &34;let&39;s just figure things out as we go&34;


    gohan led the way, hopping from peninsula to peninsula and growing keener on goku&39;s idea of a sneak attack he knew enough about how frieza operated to figure his clan had likely taken the dragon balls they already had by force


    allowing deaths to pile up would be the coward&39;s way 让死亡堆积起来将是懦夫的做法。

    and so, he headed for those two big ki signatures, going until they reached the edge of a cliff above a village of white, spherical houses 因此,他朝着那两个强大的气氛前进,一直走到他们到达一个边缘悬崖上方的白色圆形房屋村庄。

    he crouched down to maintain a low profile, as did goku 他蹲下身子保持低调,悟空也是如此。

    down in the village stood several aliens who, while possessing various shapes, sizes, all looked just like piccolo and god 住在村庄里的几个外星人,虽然形状、大小各异,但都长得像皮克洛和神一样。

    even their clothes were similar, which made gohan wish he had gotten another one of piccolo&39;s outfits made to demonstrate he wasn&39;t there for trouble; instead, he looked like an associate of the two men ransacking the pla 甚至他们的衣服也很相似,这让悟饭希望他能做一套皮克洛的衣服,以示他不是来闹事的;相反,他看起来像是两个在劫掠这个星球的人的伙伴。

    every last one of them quivered in fear, their eyes engorged and directed to the ignominious figures in the center of the village 他们每一个人都恐惧地颤抖着,眼睛凸出,目光盯着村庄中心那些可耻的人物。

    one of them, a spitting image of frieza&39;s first form, only triple the size; king cold 其中一个,长得酷似弗里萨第一形态,只是体积翻了三倍;寇酷王。

    right next to him, a man both rigid and relaxed who resembled an inverted, purple version of frieza&39;s final form – that man was cooler 紧挨着他的是一个既严肃又放松的人,看起来像是弗里萨最终形态的颠倒、紫色版本——那个人就是库拉。

    both wore scouters they looked just like they had in the live streams from frieza&39;s conference rooms 他们都戴着侦察仪。他们看起来就像在弗里萨的会议室里的直播中那样。

    &34;must be them, huh&34; goku asked &34;they certainly look the part&34;


    they weren&39;t alone, either also with them were a band of cooler force soldiers led by a familiar trio 他们并不是孤身一人。他们还有一支由熟悉的三人组成的库拉军队。

    there was neiz, the lanky, brown toad dore, the green behemoth with black hair and then, salza, the blue-skinned blonde who had given gohan the scar on his chest 其中有尼兹,瘦高的、棕色的蟾蜍;多尔,绿色的巨兽,黑发;然后,萨尔扎,蓝皮肤的金发人,曾在悟饭的胸口留下伤疤。

    while king cold observed the terror-stricken namekians with an amused smile, cooler regarded them with impatience he whipped his tail against the grass, littering dust onto the three enormous dragon balls gathered beside his feet


    &34;let&39;s make this simple, because the routine&39;s already gotten old after the first three times – hand me the dragon balls, or i&39;ll kill every last one of you&34;


    &34;ah, shit,&34; gohan hissed hearing cooler&39;s rougher, more masculine voice in person for the first time sent a chill down his spine


    &34;damn, he&39;s probably already killed plenty of these guys already then,&34; goku growled, digging his fingers into the grass &34;no way can we let that happen&34;


    &34;i know,&34; gohan replied even if they could be wished back, gohan didn&39;t want anybody to feel the trauma of death &34;the moment they attack, we&39;ll catch them slipping&34;


    &34;gotcha we&39;ll know when it gets out of hand&34;


    an older, portly namekian in a red vest stepped in front, while two namekian children who appeared close to gohan&39;s age shuddered nervously behind him &34;i don&39;t know anything about this dragon ball business please leave&34;


    cooler merely chuckled at the elder&39;s words &34;just like the other elders, then they all said the same thing, pleading ignorance you keep up the charade, you&39;ll end up in the pile of corpses with the rest of them&34;


    the namekians were left aghast, standing frozen in fear the elder nearly fell over in horror &34;no…you wouldn&39;t!&34;


    &34;dammit, it really is true,&34; goku said


    a smirk spread across cooler&39;s purple lips, every bit as sadistic as his brother&39;s &34;i wouldn&39;t you must not have heard of me, old man i&39;m known across the universe for many things, most of all the plete annihilation i&39;ve brought to every pla i&39;ve crossed paths with&34;


    cooler took a grand step forward, alerting not just the namekians, but the two saiyans covertly observing them


    &34;but you know what i&39;m not known for patience i don&39;t want to hear any bullshit about tests of valor or character&34;


    cooler mockingly folded his arms while his smirk spread &34;in fact, if you choose to be the first one to not make this difficult, i&39;ll even spare you and your village do please spread the word to the remaining ones, will you&34;


    &34;why should i believe you!&34; the elder sneered &34;you are a shameless murderer - your word means nothing!&34;


    king cold chuckled like he had merely heard a clever joke &34;well, he has you there, son!&34;


    with a proud chuckle, cooler closed his eyes and lowered his arms &34;i never was as good of a liar as my late brother, was i&34;


    he opened his eyes back up, aiming his blood-red pupils at every last namekian


    &34;you&39;re right i was going to kill you all even if you talked&34;


    before the elder tyrant even had a chance to react, five younger namekians lunged at him with the same intentions of all the namekians, they resembled piccolo the most before they could get even an inch in the air, and before goku and gohan could move, a pair of beams from cooler&39;s eyes incinerated them all and left their charred bodies in a pile right besides the dragon balls they had tried to protect


    after a contemptuous glare towards the green scrap heap, cooler redirected his sights to the elder – specifically, the two boys cowering behind his legs


    &34;have i mentioned i&39;m great with kids&34;


    that was enough


    with no regard for whatever erratic plan he had, gohan stormed down from the cliff and delivered a crushing knee right to cooler&39;s skull that knocked the scouter right off his ear goku flew right down with him, standing behind gohan with his back turned to ward off any sneak attacks cooler&39;s soldiers surrounded the father & son duo and lunged at them, but a simple pair of kiai shouts sent all of them skyward


    cooler unleashed a string of angry curses as he got up and vaporized the one soldier who possessed the misfortune of flying towards him once he got up and took a closer look, his temper cooled


    &34;ah, well if it isn&39;t the match that lit the flame little son gohan,&34; he beamed &34;and you – you look just like the man i saw on the projection who opposed frieza&39;s destruction of your home pla now i see; you must be gohan&39;s father the ship i let escape&34;


    cooler swung his head back and cackled into the green skies, motioning towards his armored squadron &34;how fitting is this, boys! you three were there when it happened; you remember what i said, right&34;


    &34;i believe you said that ship was frieza&39;s mess, now,&34; salza said from his thick accent


    &34;and sure enough, it resulted in his end a great tragedy indeed,&34; he obit with callous indifference for his brother


    &34;ugh, it&39;s just so heartbreaking,&34; king cold added with a whimper betrayed by his blithe grin while he nodded towards goku &34;you can relate, right, orange fellow you try to instill your son with values, and responsibility, only for them to blow you off, left to learn their lesson only when it&39;s too late alas, negligence was his achille&39;s heel&34;


    &34;enough of this,&34; gohan snapped, peeved by cold&39;s theatrics that he had clearly passed down to his son &34;why are you after the dragon balls!&34;


    &34;i heard ginyu mention them and decided to look into it myself,&34; cooler replied, confirming goku and gohan&39;s suspicion &34;after i learned of frieza&39;s defeat, i wasn&39;t going to take my chances i came here to bestow myself with immortality before i arrived to earth and crushed you but i see you&39;ve expedited your fate&34;


    gohan&39;s confidence tugged against the corners of his lips &34;if you know i&39;ve defeated frieza, then you must know i&39;ve bee a super saiyan!&34;


    what gohan expected was for cooler to project that same look of despair as frieza – agape mouth, engorged eyes, and a shivering body instead, cooler maintained his smirk, raised his hands…and clapped even king cold, who had expressed some trepidation, eyed his son curiously as his applause rolled on


    &34;congratulations, son gohan,&34; cooler said, continuing to clap as he marched towards his father both gohan and goku stood stiff, weary of his cryptic plans &34;a most impressive feat indeed you fulfilled the tall tale, and extinguished our clan&39;s most infamous member&34;


    &34;but super saiyan or not, our bined forces can take you,&34; king cold added


    cooler side-eyed his father &34;bined&34;


    and then, he grabbed one of king cold&39;s horns with one hand, created a blade of ki around the other, and sliced his head clean from his shoulders


    not a single person standing in the village – not the namekians, not the two saiyans, and certainly not the soldiers – contained their shock the massive body of king cold sunk into the blue blades of grass, while its blood-spewing head hung in the hand of his cackling son


    &34;what the fuck!&34; gohan screamed


    &34;surprised&34; cooler asked, marveling at his work &34;well, son gohan, i&39;ll have you know i was the only one who believed in you – and you&39;ve given me what i&39;ve always wanted&34;


    even while trying to pick up the shattered pieces of his brain, gohan wretched at such a twisted notion his suspicion about cooler&39;s allegiances had been right all along


    like it was a mere basketball and not the source of the egg he hatched from, cooler chucked his father&39;s head at sauzer his blue subordinate fumbled it in both hands a few times while restraining a rush of vomit in his cheeks


    &34;salza!&34; cooler called &34;put that in the flagship and hang it on my mantle&34;


    &34;y-yes sir,&34; salza replied with a gag whilst clutching his stomach, he flew away


    &34;um…ya kinda lost me…&34; goku stammered


    gohan watched salza&39;s flight before twisting his head back towards cooler with no genuine idea of what awaited all bets were off despite the bold murder that left he and goku with one less opponent to worry about, gohan couldn&39;t help the ominous rumbling in his stomach


    &34;what&39;s there to misunderstand&34; cooler mischievously asked &34;i&39;ve wanted my sissy little brat of a brother dead for decades now killing my father was a bit gratuitous i&39;ll admit, but his guard was down and i don&39;t like people breathing down my neck&34;


    &34;w-what are you talking about&34; gohan asked


    &34;for all his laundry list of flaws, frieza was remarkably intelligent he would never let me lure him into a situation where i could take him one-on-one in a fair fight getting rid of him meant i&39;d have to force my father to make the tough decision,&34; cooler&39;s expression was almost nostalgic and wistful as he recalled past memories &34;you remember kab, right&34;


    gohan&39;s jaw fell at lightning speed &34;what! how…! that doesn&39;t make sense!&34;


    &34;i don&39;t blame you for thinking so – he would have said the same thing, had he actually known i was aiding him in the shadows peconne – his scientist, the brains behind his operation he was a secret gift from yours truly&34;


    while gohan had no idea who he had been referring to, the next name rang a bell – &34;peconne put him in touch with boysen, and the rest was history&34;


    boysen the traitor who had sent gohan, vegeta, and nappa into a deathtrap on pla linden where gohan had been dead to rights until a girl with eyes as blue as the ice that had killed her arrived


    &34;my plan was rather simple once i learned of kab&39;s operation, i was going to let his little empire grow into a problem have peconne lure a few more of frieza&39;s higher ranking men to his side until father grew sick of his negligence once and for all but then you came and blew it all up, didn&39;t you&34;


    gohan idly nodded


    much like his brother would, cooler poshly chuckled &34;don&39;t worry, i have no hard feelings you opened my eyes, actually to see frieza&39;s end by a hand besides my own, i&39;d have to invest in the saiyans&39; strength he always did fear you apes why else do you think i had my men supervise those training camps&34;


    gohan simply blinked

    every detail of cooler&39;s story both surprised him and aligned neatly in his mind


    &34;i was the one who advised frieza to promote you to an officer ranking and when that fell apart, i was the one who called frieza off-world and gave vegeta the green light to kill zarbon&34;


    while gohan had known about the latter incident, the former reveal left him short of breath


    &34;a year and change later, and you pulled it off all because of me&34;


    letting the surprise of the reveal roll off his back, gohan snickered with disgust while squaring his shoulders for battle &34;well, if you&39;re expecting a &39;thank you&39; from me, i&39;m afraid i&39;ll have to leave you hanging&34;


    &34;oh, but i expected as much,&34; cooler replied &34;you saiyans were always rude and disorderly you&39;ll be repaying me soon enough anyway now that you&39;re a super saiyan, you&39;re the perfect fuel for my most ambitious project yet, whether you want to be or not so why don&39;t you bring this power out and give me a demonstration&34;


    &34;famous last words,&34; gohan said as a gust of wind swirled around him


    &34;can you pull it off&34; goku asked, remembering their struggles in the spaceship


    &34;don&39;t worry,&34; gohan replied with a voice full of vigor &34;i think i figured it out yesterday i just had to remember one little thing&34;


    the ground rumbled beneath gohan&39;s feet his fingers clenched into tight fists


    &34;i&39;m always angry&34;


    a primal scream later, a golden flame swept across gohan&39;s body, igniting his hair into a matching brilliant shade and flickering his black eyes to teal the sheer magnitude of his power forced goku and the namekians to retreat into the sky cooler stood before gohan&39;s super saiyan transformation not in fear, but awe


    &34;i see…&34; cooler marveled &34;the big gete star will feast&34;


    &34;what the hell are you talking about&34; gohan asked


    &34;you&39;ll find out soon enough, little saiyan you see, you may have been able to defeat my brother, but there&39;s a big difference between he and i&34;


    &34;like what&34; gohan scoffed &34;your brand of lipstick&34;


    cooler smirked, ignoring his quip and raising his index finger &34;one time more i can transform one time more than frieza he&39;s a little bit stronger than i am in our natural forms, but i figured out how to push my strength even higher with a new transformation!&34;


    &34;well let&39;s see it!&34; gohan yelled, thrilled at the prospect of a challenge


    wasting no time, cooler began his metamorphosis wind exploded around his feet while his body nearly doubled in bulk spikes grew from the shells around his head and wrists while the red of his pupils overtook his entire eyes his body had bee a far cry from the sleek, demure aristocrats gohan had bee accustomed to; now, he resembled a machine efficiently designed for slaughter

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